I believe the most appropriate start to catch ya'll up with our lives is to do a pictorial recap of the past eight months. they sure have been busy ones! from a blessed baby boy being born to a number of road trips and vacations, it has been a grand time filled with first experiences, laughter, tears, and memories. Here are some of my favorite pics from January until now.

Our son Wilhelm Clarke Eargle was born on 01.12.2007

He has such a playful personality!

By June he was taking his first flight on his first vacation to the beach. Daddy was such a trooper for taking this picture. He was recovering from knee surgery and bent a little too low in the cockpit. We love you Daddy!

Wilhelm enjoyed his trip to the beach to play in the water and the sand.

And had lots of fun with his cousins, Lily Grace and Hannah Kate, too!

First train ride into the city, Chicago that is. He loved it!

Once in the city we took in the scenes,

and hopped a train back to Geneva with Wilhelm's friend Jack.

I'm not sure he likes to be photographed while eating. I guess he takes after his Momma. This is just one of the glimpses of his first bites in Mid-July.

Look closely, these are his first two teeth sprouts. It is the best shot I could get before he attacked the camera. When my friend Elisabeth's son Simon cut his first teeth she said she was sadden that she would never see him toothless again. I now can totally relate!

This is Simon & Wilhelm. We really miss our Geneva playgroup friends.

I cherish this picture and this moment. It is the two loves of my life, my boys. This was a beautiful summer day at a local festival with family and friends. Wilhelm appears to love the outdoors and we look forward to all of our adventures in the future.
This should bring you up to speed to where we are now. In the next week or so we will be moving into our new loft in Lexington, KY (lots more to come with that). Life is grand and we hope you enjoy sharing it with our eargle family.
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