As the eighth month of Wilhelm Clarke's life begins it is time to begin another new journey in the life of our Eargle Family. We have recently left our quaint town of Geneva, IL, and moved back to "my old Kentucky home." Alan has accepted a position near Lexington, KY, and we will be living there starting the first part of October. Currently we are living on my family's farm, enjoy lots of catch up time with family and friends.
After reading a blog of a friend who moved away from Illinois and becoming inspired I decided it was high time to start a blog for our family as a way to share with others stories of our life together (thanks Heather!). I had intended to get the first post of the blog up while we were in IL, but before I knew it we were off again, back to KY. I truly hope that this serves as a avenue for those near and far to get a glimpse of us, our eargle family.
hey guys!
so, when were you going to tell us you were moving back to KY? we love you guys and are really happy for you:)
Katie and Justin
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