-citizens of Whoville
November is here and the end of May (when you heard from me last) seems only moments ago, minus the intense desire to not feel quite so pregnant. I can't even begin to count the number of times I wrote the word Blog into my agenda in the past five months, and since for me & most it isn't a matter of life and death that this blog has a post it was scratched out and written for the following week's to-dos. It got to a point that I would see the word Blog and cringe because I was simply so behind at catching up our family, friends, and others, who partake in the rambles of our little bit of cyberspace. But alas, here we are! I am back to share pictures of our darling children, stories of our blessed life, and everything in between that I feel like sharing.
From the time Elly Violet entered this world on June 1, 2010, we've had LOTS of excitement and enjoyed five months of first and many memories. Obviously my time hasn't been spent blogging but it has included: baseball games, saying goodbye to friends & meeting new ones, backyard t-ball & kickball, parades, nature hikes, hernia surgery, campfires, a family reunion, weekend trips, continued house renovations, the boys going on a great trip to Portland, whooping cough, new preschool, and figuring out the art of managing a household with two children. Now I know that I took the easy road with simply listing some of the major events of our summer and beginning of fall, but there is no way possible that I can genuinely give an accurate account of each of those moments, but here are some pictures of those times.
Eargle Family night at the Louisville Bats game yielded a grand evening and
a game ball for Wilhelm
Maya & Kiran say goodbye to KY
Wilhelm Clarke has hernia surgery
Our sweet baby Elly contracted whooping cough & had a hospital stay and
a one month of regaining her health.
Dinner with June 1 birthday buddies, Emily & Behren
Oh & lastly we did host a pumpkin carving party for our Sunday school class to help us prepare for fall and Halloween.
And I've never quite seen a better police officer & doughnut than
the Eargle children on Halloween.
So we are back, and I look forward to making the blog, once again, a regular part of my weekly routine, now that i've dug myself out of a hole.
a game ball for Wilhelm

a one month of regaining her health.
the Eargle children on Halloween.
Hooray! So glad to see your post about the special events these last months - and hope today is another special event for you - happy 30!
Welcome back!! Sorry to hear about Elly's whooping cough and Willhelm's hernia surgery! How stressful and scary that must have been! Let's hope for an uneventful winter for the Eargles!!
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