a first glimpse at baby girl eargle!
you heard right its a girl for the ky eargles. after our ultrasound on thursday we were surprised to find out that we would be welcoming a baby girl into our family this May. i'm not exactly sure why it was such a shock, since neither alan nor i have had any overwhelming feelings of one or the other, but it was. wilhelm also went to the appointment with us. he enjoyed seeing his little sister on the screen and waving to her. of course wilhelm still is convinced that she will be named Sherman (his chosen name) but has now added Pumpkin to the beginning to make it a bit more feminine. sadly i'm not sure if we'll be able to fulfill his wishes for his sister's name. when she gets a bit older she'll be grateful to her parents for that executive decision. here are a couple of glimpses of our little darling girl.
i like to call this her first Charlie's Angels pose. way later in life she will see pictures of her momma at a college Halloween party dressed as one of "the angels," making the same pose. hope this isn't a sign of a wild side for her!
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I love the pics of Pumpkin Sherman, thanks for sharing with us!
Congratulations! Pumpkin Sherman is a cute name, but I am sure she would not care for it. I am sure you will have a perfectly chosen name when she gets here. We can't wait to meet her!
Congrads Eargles!! Sherman is starting to grow on me... especially for a girl:)
How wonderful!!! So excited for you to get to experience a girl!!! I think the love is so different (not more, or less) just different with a son and a daughter. Take care of yourself! Hugs!
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