that aside i really enjoy this time at night because it is a time that my boys have to spend together. the routine almost always includes a few books. reading is one of wilhelm's favorite activities to do. many days i will catch him in his room or on the couch just looking at books am mumbling to himself. hopefully this interest continues in the days and years to come!
here are some images from alan and wilhelm's reading time last night. alan, as you might guess, is a great reader and tries very hard to get wilhelm to repeat words as they go along. I haven't yet figured out how to get a video on the blog for you to hear, but maybe i will work on that. When I'm As Big As Freddy has become a house favorite. it is a great classic book and actual was one of alan's when he was a child. i'm sure it will be in the family library for years to come.
I definitely remember that book from when we were kids... such a special time and i am so glad you all get to enjoy that together.
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